Thursday, May 15, 2014

Review of glee premiere::How Old Is the Cast of High School Musical

Review of glee premiere::How Old Is the Cast of High School Musical

Fox's               new               series               "Glee"               has               gotten               a               lot               of               hype,               no               doubt               helped               by               the               network's               advertising               blitz               and               its               unusual               decision               to               air               the               entire               pilot               episode               several               months               before               the               show               premieres.

If               you're               curious               about               Will               Schuester,               the               earnest               glee               club               director               (played               by               Matthew               Morrison),               here's               a               look               at               the               character               and               the               actor.
               ABOUT               THE               CHARACTER:               WILL               SCHUESTER
               In               the               pilot               episode               of               "Glee,"               we're               introduced               to               Will               Schuester,               an               optimistic,               engaging               Spanish               teacher               at               McKinley               High.
               Schuester,               who               has               fond               memories               of               his               own               experience               in               McKinley's               glee               club               when               he               was               a               student               there,               offers               to               take               over               McKinley's               glee               club,               which               is               in               sorry               shape               and               is               largely               populated               by               a               band               of               outcasts               and               misfits.
               Schuester               has               to               convince               McKinkley's               apathetic               principal               to               give               him               a               shot,               and               he               also               has               to               battle               against               evil               cheerleading               coach               Sue               Sylvester,               who               has               it               out               for               the               glee               club               big               time.
               Schuester's               challenges               don't               stop               when               he               leaves               McKinley.
               At               home,               his               wife               Terri               criticizes               him               for               just               about               everything               he               does,               and               she's               particularly               negative               about               his               work               with               the               glee               club.
               The               pilot               episode               also               hints               that               Schuester's               marriage               is               in               jeopardy               not               only               because               of               the               tension               with               his               wife,               but               also               because               he               and               fellow               teacher               Emma               Pillsbury               seem               dangerously               close               to               a               forbidden               relationship.
               ABOUT               THE               ACTOR:               MATTHEW               MORRISON
               Matthew               Morrison,               30,               is               best               known               as               a               Broadway               performer.

In               2003,               he               starred               as               Link               Larkin               in               "Hairspray,"               and               he's               also               performed               in               "Footloose"               and               "The               Light               in               the               Piazza,"               for               which               he               received               a               Tony               nomination.
               Morrison's               television               acting               career               began               to               gain               steam               shortly               after               his               "Hairspray"               run,               with               one-off               appearances               on               procedural               dramas               like               "CSI:               Miami"               and               "Law               &               Order:               Criminal               Intent,"               followed               by               a               recurring               role               on               soap               opera               "As               the               World               Turns"               in               2006,               where               he               played               Adam               Munson.
               He's               also               appeared               on               the               big               screen               with               bit               parts               in               "Music               and               Lyrics,"               "I               Think               I               Love               My               Wife,"               and               "Dan               in               Real               Life."
               Previous               television               appearances               didn't               make               much               use               of               Morrison's               talent               as               a               singer,               but               "Glee"               features               his               singing               prominently.
               For               instance,               in               the               pilot               of               "Glee"               that               aired               this               spring,               a               scene               in               which               he               performed               the               song               "Leaving               on               a               Jet               Plane"               was               cut               --               but               the               scene               was               added               back               in               to               the               "Director's               Cut"               of               the               episode,               which               aired               Sept.

               And               in               a               teaser               clip               for               an               upcoming               episode               that               Fox               released               in               anticipation               of               the               season's               premiere,               Morrison               is               seen               singing               the               Kanye               West/Jamie               Foxx               hit               "Golddigger."

Image of glee premiere

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glee premiere

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glee premiere

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glee premiere

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glee premiere

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    Review of glee sam evans::Does a Dog Have to Be in Season to Have Puppys

    Review of glee sam evans::Does a Dog Have to Be in Season to Have Puppys

                   Chord               Overstreet               is               out               of               the               "Glee"               club.

    The               recurring               guest               star,               whose               character               Sam               Evans               transferred               to               William               McKinley               High               School               last               season,               was               not               asked               back               as               a               series               regular.

    "Well               its               been               a               good               yr               too               bad               its               over,"               he               tweeted               on               Friday.

    "Time               for               summer               and               starting               fresh."               Without               giving               a               reason               for               the               dismissal,               a               Fox               rep               confirmed               the               news               to               People.

    However,               TV               Line               reports               Overstreet               may               appear               from               time               to               time               as               a               guest               star.

    Things               aren't               all               bad               for               Overstreet.

    He               is               obviously               feeling               the               love               from               fans,               posting               on               Twitter,               "i               have               the               coolest               fans               hands               down!!!!

    i               love               you               all!!"               and               it               looks               like               "Justin               Bieber:               Never               Say               Never"               director               Jon               M.

    Chu               is               keeping               the               actor               in               mind               for               future               projects,               writing,               "u               r               a               classy               dude               and               talented               as               heck!

    Can't               wait               to               work               with               you               one               day."               Castmates               Darren               Criss               and               Harry               Shum               Jr.,               who               are               in               Ireland               with               Overstreet               this               week               as               part               of               the               "Glee"               tour,               received               better               news               on               Friday.

    Criss'               character               Blaine               and               Shum               Jr.'s               Mike               will               be               back               in               the               fall               as               series               regulars.

    In               addition               to               Overstreet's               departure,               the               entire               "Glee"               cast               (aside               from               the               high               school               staff)               will               be               getting               pink               slips               at               the               end               of               the               third               season               when               their               characters               graduate.

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    glee sam evans

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    glee sam evans

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    glee sam evans